Icebreakers, Teambuilding, and Conflict Resolution Videos
Icebreaker and teambuilding activities are a great way to start off the year with new students. The small investment of time that these activities take is returned exponentially. Benefits include: supports a positive social climate; decreases in off task behaviors; improved social skills; improves student enjoyment; and raises participation levels. Visit our Facilitating Discussions and Debriefs page and Teaching Team Building is Easy as 1-2-3…4! for help facilitating teambuilding activities.
These videos come from the "Ice Breakers & Openers CD-ROM of The Inspire! Youth Series" from Learning Support who graciously allowed this site to share their videos and instructions free of charge. Also available as a mobile friendly glideapp.
our other webpages for Classroom Teachers
- Class Management: Our main page on class management. We also have Tools for Assessing Behavior and Techniques for Forming Groups.
- Domains of Learning: Example verbs and learning objectives for a variety of learning domain taxonomies.
- English Language Learners: Information on how to teach ELL students, regardless of the content area.
- Examples of How to Make Learning Active: Examples of combining other content areas with physical activity.
- Games and Activities: Compilation of websites that provide resources on physical education activities.
- Importance of Recess, Play, and Active Classrooms: Guidelines and resources for recess, play, and active classrooms.
- Stress Management Techniques: Information and resources on easy stress management techniques for students.