Activity Promotion and Adherence
The GET ACTIVE FOR LIFE mnemonic phrase summarizes the research on what helps people become and stay active, and what tends to get in the way. Convey this information to your students and use it to inform your curricular decisions. Also see this webpage from the CDC on Overcoming Barriers to Physical Activity.
SHAPE America Appropriate Practices
- 1.2.1 Teachers promote exercise for its contribution to a healthy lifestyle, encouraging students to participate in physical activity and exercise outside of the physical education setting for enjoyment, skill development and health reasons.
- 3.2.2 Students are educated to become wise consumers of the fitness/wellness and nutrition industries.
- 3.6.1 The physical educator helps all students experience the satisfaction and joy that result from learning about and participating in physical activity regularly.
- 3.6.2 Physical educators help students understand that physical activity is an important part of everyday living.